quagga on debian

Hello, Sorry for the stupid questions, lol, fairly new user of linux. Just finished installing a fresh copy of debian on a pc here and plan to use it as a router. Only problem is i have no idea how to intall Quagga.

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Joined 2006-06-08
Sorry for the stupid questions, lol, fairly new user of linux.
Just finished installing a fresh copy of debian on a pc here and plan to use it as a router. Only problem is i have no idea how to intall Quagga. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Well, the first question is, do you know how to use the Debian package management system to install packages?
What version of Debian are you using? Sarge, Sid, Woody.....?
If you have the Synaptic Package Manager installed, it is available.
Are you currently connected to the internet?
Let us know what the status of your usage of Debian is and we can guide you through the process. Quagga is in the Debian repository, so probably the easiest things to do is install it through Synaptic, or get into a terminal window, as root user and type in;
apt-get update
Then when the package repository is updated, type in;
apt-get install quagga