Problems installing unbuntu 7.04

Hi So here I am, trying to install Ubuntu Feisty Fawn on my Laptop which is an ASUS F3JP, but i just cant get it to work. Im trying to learn Linux, but its kinda hard , because no matter what i try i just cant seem to get to install it.

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159 Posts
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Joined 2004-10-24
So here I am, trying to install Ubuntu Feisty Fawn on my Laptop which is an ASUS F3JP, but i just cant get it to work.
Im trying to learn Linux, but its kinda hard , because no matter what i try i just cant seem to get to install it.
I get an error saying that x cannot be initialized.
Ive tried installing it in graphical mode and text mode.
Graphical mode wont start, and text mode setup works fine until i want to start up and load into x.
Then i get the same error.
Help anyone?
Cheers =)

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Responses to this topic


690 Posts
Location -
Joined 2004-05-06
Sounds like it cannot find a graphics driver for X Windows.
You need to configure your Laptop with the correct driver using the following tutorial:
Your laptop uses an ATI X1700 which is quite new so the version of XFree on your copy of Linux may be too old.


159 Posts
Location -
Joined 2004-10-24
Thanks for the replies.
I havent had the chance to check any of this out yet.
I just installed more RAM and will install vista on it so i can learn vista. After installing vista im going to install ubuntu so I can learn ubuntu.
Going forward in life =)