open dumb question...

Hey there everybody. I have a really dumb question of OpenOffice. I need it because it can save all my projects an documents in office format so I can save on a flash drive and print at school. However, I am thinking about usuing Open Suse 10.

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13 Posts
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Joined 2006-08-02
Hey there everybody. I have a really dumb question of OpenOffice. I need it because it can save all my projects an documents in office format so I can save on a flash drive and print at school. However, I am thinking about usuing Open Suse 10.1, and the question is this: Does OpenOffice come with OpenSuse or am I forced to get the Enterprise edition to get Open Office?
I don't like RedHat and Suse is so far the only linux that I am familiar with, I am too afraid to try any other version.

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Responses to this topic


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Yes, it is included. See this review. OpenOfice is a great application. It also comes in a Windows version. I just used it to make a PowerPoint presentation (in Fedora, of course) that I have to give next week.
I also easily updated some graphics for another presentation that is given to new staff. It was easier to do this in OpenOffice (OO) than Powerpoint at work. All done in OO off of scanned hard copies of forms imported into the presentation...and using an HP multifunction printer/scanner and fax to scan the documents.
BTW, I have to ask. Is your username reflective of your profession? If so, you are in good company.
[Edited by danleff on 2006-08-07 11:19:34]


13 Posts
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Joined 2006-08-02
Thanks for the answer about OpenOffice, and yes and no on the latter question.
I do work in an ER but as a tech, I am currently going to school to be either an ER nurse or ICU/CV Recovery nurse. I am even interested in becoming a traveling RN or just a flight nurse. What about you, what kind of RN are you?