Old Posts

Out of the 908 posts in Buy Sell and Trade, only 5 of them are for this year. Doesn't it use up space on the server keeping all these old posts in place? Some of them go back as far as 2000. As this is a free site, and still must cost money to operate, wouldn't it be more prudent to erase the older ones.

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Joined 2007-05-11
Out of the 908 posts in Buy Sell and Trade, only 5 of them are for this year. Doesn't it use up space on the server keeping all these old posts in place? Some of them go back as far as 2000. As this is a free site, and still must cost money to operate, wouldn't it be more prudent to erase the older ones. I am sorry if I appear to be teaching you to 'suck eggs' but I am always looking for ways to save money, and if I see areas that can be tightened up, then I usually try and help to do something about it. I would imagine that there a lot of other posts that are as old, but as a lot of these are informative, they have a valuable place on the site. Only my opinion of course!!

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1795 Posts
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Joined 1999-07-15
Quote:Out of the 908 posts in Buy Sell and Trade, only 5 of them are for this year.
I changed now the default display option for the sells forum to 1 month. The older postings are still there but will no longer showed up by default.

Quote:Doesn't it use up space on the server keeping all these old posts in place?
Yes, but it is small compared to the actual size of the server harddisk


1547 Posts
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Joined 2002-05-29
I would also think that cost per GB of HDD storage space is small too since the pricing keeps dropping on these things


10 Posts
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Joined 2007-05-11
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't being critical of the site, on the contrary, it's great, but I have been through a lot of the topics, and there are an awful lot of very old posts.
I don't know how big the server is, but surely, any saving is good.
Only an opinion, nothing more!
And thanks to those who have helped me here so far.


3867 Posts
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Joined 2000-02-04
How do you determine what isn't relevant? Just because it isn't relevant to you doesn't mean it isn't relevant to someone.
The pain and anguish of determining this is too much effort when you can just stick in a bigger HD. (or adjust sql/b to not display the data)


10 Posts
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Joined 2007-05-11
I see your point, it was just an opinion expressed, nothing more!
I wasn't criticising the site, I don't know enough about how a server works to do that.
As you say, some points not relevant to me might well be relevant to others. The site has helped me lately, although the help I needed I asked for.


309 Posts
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Joined 2001-07-13
The old posts can come in handy but it is rather funny when I see someone respond to a thread (and I have done this myself lol) that is 5-6 yrs old offering a solution. I guess the person responding does not notice that the last post was in 2001 or something like that.