New to linux help help please

hi could any of you please help I am new to linux I have installed SUSE 9. 2 16 bit A have to problems so far 1. I can't get emacs to work (command not found) I'v looked and too the best of my little knowledge its installed 2.

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2 Posts
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Joined 2005-02-17
could any of you please help
I am new to linux I have installed SUSE 9.2 16 bit
A have to problems so far
1. I can't get emacs to work (command not found)
I'v looked and too the best of my little knowledge its installed
2. Am doing java at college and need the sdk package but the link on the sun site seams to be broken
Thanks pete

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Responses to this topic


1678 Posts
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Joined 2003-09-27
Check in Yast2 - install hardware and make sure it's installed. If so, it should come right up when you type from the command line:
And press enter. If it IS installed and not coming up, then there should be an error message you could post.


68 Posts
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Joined 2005-01-24
Sounds like emacs is not in your default path.
First verify that it is installed, as root enter
find / -name emacs
you should get something like:
not necessarily exactly that. If you don't get anything back, then emacs is not installed (doubtful).
Next try to start it with
See if emacs starts. If so, good, one down. Let us know how that worked. Depending upon the result, there are a few things you can do so that emacs can be started without typing the path to the executable. When you reply, please attach the result of the following command:
echo $PATH


500 Posts
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Joined 2004-04-06
If you wan to porgram java apps for free (free as in free speech not free beer) OSes liek GNU/Linux then you should know that using the Java SDK will not be advisable cos you might end up unwittingly using certain non-free aspects of Java and end up causing your program to not run well on free OSes. You should use GCC.