Linksys WPC11 v3

hi i'm new to linux and i need some help getting online with my wireless card, the Linksys WPC11 v3. i have both a wired ethernet card and this wireless card on my laptop. when i installed my linux operating system, suse 10.

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Joined 2006-11-25
hi i'm new to linux and i need some help getting online with my wireless card, the Linksys WPC11 v3. i have both a wired ethernet card and this wireless card on my laptop. when i installed my linux operating system, suse 10.0, it was seen as the network controller but when i finished the installation it only sees the wired ethernet card. when i use a cable and plug it into the wired ethernet it works fine. i have this laptop dual booting with windows xp and i know that both wired and wireless work fine. i hope someone can help me because i want this laptop to be 100% suse.

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Responses to this topic


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
According to the SuSE wiki page this card should work. If it is really a version 3 card, it has a Prism chipset.
It's been a while since I worked with SuSE wireless, but let me ask;
1. Is this the 32 bit or 64 bit version of SuSE? I looked around and it seems that the 64 bit version has some issues with wireless.
2. What have you already tried to get the card working? Did you use Yast to try and configure the card as a wireless device?
3. Do you have encription set up on the router? If so, did you try #2 using your ESSID and WEP settings?


2 Posts
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Joined 2006-11-25
hi thanks for helping me out.
1. i'm pretty sure this is the 32 bit of Suse. is there a way i can find out for sure whether it's 32 or 64 bit?
2. i have tried using ndiswrapper but when i used the drivers from te cd and after i typed ndiswrapper -l...i get driver invalid. yes i have tried yast. it wasn't seen when i went to network devices under yast so I added it in myself.
3. no there is no encryption.


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Well, if you have an Athlon 64 system and downloaded the iso images for X_64, then you have a 64 bit installation.
If you downloaded the regular i386 images (eg; SUSE-10.0-CD-i386-GM-CD1.iso....) then you do not.
If you are using the ndiswrapper package that came with SuSE (you installed it through Yast), often the drivers that came with the disk do not work as expected, or if your driver disk has drivers for multiple versions of your card, make sure that you picked the correct drivers for ndiswrapper.
But either you use ndiswrapper or the (hopefully) native Prism drivers via Yast.
When you attempted to use Yast to configure the card, at the Network installation interface, did you choose "wireless" from the dropdown box and check off the box for pcmcia?
What card did you tell SuSE that you had?
Just to make sure as you go along, you are sure that the router has no ESSID name or passphrase?