Linksys Wireless G wpc54gs v1.1

Any help would be appreciated. . I've got Mandriva 2005 on a sony viao, I've installed the card using the built in gui for ndiswrapper. The card will not show my router. Oh, another wierd thing. . It won't work over ethernet either.

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Joined 2006-04-11
Any help would be appreciated..
I've got Mandriva 2005 on a sony viao, I've installed the card using the built in gui for ndiswrapper. The card will not show my router.
Oh, another wierd thing.. It won't work over ethernet either.
I'm basically a n00b to mandrake

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Could you post the model number of your Vaio? This will help us understand the ethernet problem. Did you try to set up wireless or ethernet connections when installing Mandriva?
What GUI for ndiswrapper are you referring to? I assume you are using the ndiswrapper version that comes with Mandriva?
What Windows driver are you using, if any, for ndiswrapper?
Did you input the ESSID name for the router and the WEP or WPA password for the router access, assuming that you have the router set up to use one of these encription keys?