Linksys in Fedora Core 4 (Plz Help)

hi, im a newbie in this thing of linux (is my first time actually). . . I kinda liked Fedora but when i got wireless internet i tried to acess the internet with a Linksys WUSB54G but Fedora didn't detected it ??automaticly?? (something like automatic;)) and i would like to have internet in fedora core 4 thats why i ...

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2 Posts
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Joined 2006-01-08
hi, im a newbie in this thing of linux (is my first time actually)... I kinda liked Fedora but when i got wireless internet i tried to acess the internet with a Linksys WUSB54G but Fedora didn't detected it ??automaticly?? (something like automatic;)) and i would like to have internet in fedora core 4 thats why im asking for ur help...
PLZ help me
(BTW my usb adapter is a Linksys WUSB54G v1)...

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Simply put, Fedora will not automatically recognize this adapter. USB wireless is still not perfected in Linux. In order to use it, you would need to install one of tywo packages that will allow Fedora to see the adapter, either the Linxant package (which costs about $19.99 - it is a commercial product) or ndiswrapper. Then you can use the Windows drivers from your cd drivers disk to get the card recognized. These two linux packages are designed to work with the Windows XP drivers that came with the Linksys disk.
Just as in Windows, you need to install drivers for the adapter to work. You also need to know what the settings are for your router... the essid name, and if you are using encription, the WPA or WEP key for the router or modem that you have.
I actually have one of these cards (version 4) which is a little different, but I may give it a go this week.
If you are interested, I will report back my (hopefully) success.


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Joined 2006-01-08
yes i would like to know kuz i used ndiswrapper but it only says driver found and installed. but when i try to connect fails in getting the ip automaticaly i tried manually but i dont have internet.
so that why im asking for some1 to help me cuz i would really like to have internet in Linux
so plz report if u hae sucess or can somebody give me a detailed guide to how to put this thing to work plz
thx in advance


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
I'll give it a try. Could you let me know the following;
1. What version of ndiswrapper are you using? RPM or source. Is it the one that is packaged with Fedora?
2. If you are installing from source, do you have the kernel-devel package installed?
3. Are you using the Windows XP drivers that came with the Linksys driver disk?
4. Did you follow the directions on the Fedora specific wiki page, located here if you used the source package?