Help with wireless setup

Hi, I had referred to these forums before in regard to help with setting up wireless in suse 10. 2 linux on a Dell 2200 Inspiron with built in broadcom wireless card (bcmwl5 driver). I was able to connect earlier but not able to do so.

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Joined 2006-03-18
I had referred to these forums before in regard to help with setting up wireless in suse 10.2 linux on a Dell 2200 Inspiron with built in broadcom wireless card (bcmwl5 driver).
I was able to connect earlier but not able to do so. I tried to reconfigure my wireless card by downloading ndiswrapper and going through the necessary steps. My driver is recognised, hardware is recognised and I am get something when I do iwconfig wlan0. I disconnect my eth connection but I am unable to go to any website using browsers. I tried to ping my router and it shows that packets were transferred. I also tried to ping another IP and it shows that packets were transferred successfully. I am not sure why I am unable to go to any website using my browsers.
I would greatly appreciate if anybody can help me out.

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Reference your previous thread here.
SuSE 10.2 was not available in March, so I assume that you either did a clean installation of 10.2 or an upgrade?
If this is the case, you need to reinstall ndiswrapper for the new kernel in 10.2.
What browser are you using and did you try to configure the card in Yast, making sure to check the PCMCIA check box when configuring the card?