Fedora Core 4 (Grub and Windows XP)

I have a windows xp system (/dev/hda) and a 250 Gig /dev/hdb on which I tried to install FC 4 - It installed FC 4 OK (so I thought) - when it installed GRUB, I asked it to put is on /dev/hda (MBR) (I know, perhaps I should not have) - at the very end of the installation, there was one complaint (forgot what it was) ...

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I have a windows xp system (/dev/hda) and a 250 Gig /dev/hdb on which I tried to install FC 4 - It installed FC 4 OK (so I thought) - when it installed GRUB, I asked it to put is on /dev/hda (MBR) (I know, perhaps I should not have) - at the very end of the installation, there was one complaint (forgot what it was) - yet the message was "installation complete" - reboot after taking the disk out - I did
I get
A text screen
I figured out
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader +1
gets me into windows xp
BUT I cannot boot FC4!!
root (hd1,1)
kernel /vmlinuz /initrd root=/dev/hdb3
(Using linux rescue, I created softlinks for vmlinuz and initrd from vmlinuz-etc-etc)
kernel panics on the root directory (which is /dev/hdb3, I checked using linux rescue)
I mean ... Why did I not get the "nice" GRUB interface? (arrow down/up to choose what you want) (I had that with FC3)
(System - Dell/sorry - do not have all details)
(Oh, for GRUB I did not have any option for LBA (?) (pass options during boot?) (should I have? Was not necessary for FC3) (Am I confused or what!)

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Change your grub entires to;
root (hd1,2)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb3
initrd /initrd
As long as you are sure that you created your symlinks correctly.
How did you check where the root directory was?
It would have also been helpful to know what the error message was that you received during the installation phase.
Once you get into Fedora, please post your /boot/grub/device.map content.
What computer system (make and model) are you installing Fedora onto?