Dual Boot FC5 and XP on same disk

Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to install FC5 in an empty partition on a disk where also XP resides. I know FC5 uses GRUB to handle any multibooting but am not sure if this requires FC5 to be installed on a second disk.

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Joined 2006-06-21
I'm wondering if it is possible to install FC5 in an empty partition on a disk where also XP resides.
I know FC5 uses GRUB to handle any multibooting but am not sure if this requires FC5 to be installed on a second disk.
Can someone tell me what I have to think about.
I searched this forum and the web but only encountered multiboot issues relating multiple disks.

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Responses to this topic


2 Posts
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Joined 2005-12-21
You sure can! The two OS installs do not need to be on two physically seperate disks.
Just install FC5 on a different partition. It should auto install a bootloader for you.


10 Posts
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Joined 2006-01-05
For a good guide to do the installation you are asking about see the following thread which is an installation to dual boot with Windows XP on the same drive with Fedora Core 5.
Not only how to install but also how to configure afterward.
Install and Enjoy
Jim (james419)