Do Netgear DG834GT Work Under SuSE 10.1

I dont find it in the compability so now i asking the experts

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Joined 2006-08-21
I dont find it in the compability so now i asking the experts

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Any router should work, as long as you have the system set up correctly.
Are you using this for wireless, or straight ethernet from your box to the router?
If wireless, what is the exact make, model number and revision name of the wirlesss card that you are using? This determines what chipset is on the wireless card, hence, what drivers to use.
The issue is more likely the wireless card being configured (drivers, SSID and WEP or WPA passphrase) correctly.
If you are using the ethernet connection, then it should work, if you ISP is based on dynamic IP address.
Do you use DSL, here you need a username and password to login to your ISP, say like Verizon?
More information on your situation would be helpful.


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Joined 2006-08-21
ADSL Firewall Router DG834GT Model
My dad dont like Linux Becouse i install it to my D-link before and internet didn't work so he saied i can have it if all work really correct now so i can't test


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
The best way to have a wired internet connection in Linux, is by not using the USB port of the router/modem to connect to Linux. You would use the ethernet card in your system, if you have one, to connect to the router. Then the internet connection should work fine.
But, you did not answer any of my questions about your setup, so it's impossible to know what you have in order to answer your questions.
Wireless is a little more tricky, depending what card that you have, if this is a wireless setup. In windows, your ISP usually gives you a setup disk to do the job for you. In Linux, you usually have to do it manually, so knowing what you have determines how easy it will be to set up the connection.
However, your last post says it all. If this system is used by the entire family and say you deleted Windows in favor of Linux (without having an idea how to set up the connection), then I can see your father's point.
It would be best to have a second system that you could play with and learn Linux. Then you can convert the family by showing them how it works!
You can have both Windows and Linux on the system, but I would not recommend this, as it seems that you don't know enough about the process to mess with the family system.


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Yepp thats true and it take me 1year to find my Xp boot Disc but anyway its an
IBM Netvista 2,4 Ghz P4 KuG-567 somthing and all computers are in etherneth inplugged WIN XP SP2 Home ed and i don't know how to install 2 O/S i know some program called Partion Magic But not how to use it so i think something go wrong that time 2002 that why i ask here so it dont get wrong this time also its just a router/dsl Netgear DG834GT Inplugged to 3 xp computer 1 my new HP 2nd My Dads Laptop 3nd My old IBM
And i use the Connection Telia 8mbit


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Joined 2006-08-21
Sorry for Double but i dont find any Change button the only i found on device maneger as network card was
Intel :registered: Pro/100 VE desktop connection
VMware Connection 1
And Hamachii


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Joined 2006-08-21
Its worked great and i know how to install now so i download SUSE-Linux-10.1-GM-DVD-i386 a.t.m i test with a Live CD
and i also download Windows XP SP2 PRO 2006 nwz DVD ED SWE V.6.06 build 16 SATA to my other computer becouse windows crashed