D-Link DFE-690TXD PCMCIA cardbus - RH7.0 HELP!

I'm trying to set up my CTX laptop for connection to a netgear fast ethernet switch I've got at home - DSL modem is also connected to this switch. I have (2) Windows PC's connected and working fine. I have a D-Link DFE-690TXD Cardbus PCMCIA ethernet card for it - I downloaded the linux driver from - Now I'm attempt ...

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I'm trying to set up my CTX laptop for connection to a netgear fast ethernet switch I've got at home - DSL modem is also connected to this switch. I have (2) Windows PC's connected and working fine.
I have a D-Link DFE-690TXD Cardbus PCMCIA ethernet card for it - I downloaded the linux driver from http://support.dlink.com/faq/view.asp?prod_id=1226&question=DFE-690TXD - Now I'm attempting to follow the instructions.
STEP 1: I copied the source code (dfe690.c) to /dfe690 (I'm logged in as Root on Red Hat 7.0, using kernel 2.2.16-22, that's the kernel that installed with my Red Hat distribution - I have made no changes to it at all.....
Now I try to compile the driver by executing:
kgcc -DCARDBUS -DMODULE -D_KERNEL -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c dfe690.c dfe690_cb.o -I/usr/src/linux/pcmcia-cs-2.2.16/include/pcmcia
Notes: 1. I read another bulletin that the "gcc" compiler that ships with RH7.0 is crap, so I installed the RPM for "kgcc" instead.
2. I changed the "pmcia-cs-X.X.XX" directory to match mine
3. I didn't have a /src/linux directory on my machine, so again, I read another bulletin and installed the RPM for the kernel headers package - that took care of several error messages.....
I'm still getting these error messages:
kgcc: dfe690_cb.o: No such file or directory
dfe690.c: 1513: driver_ops.h: No such file or directory
Please help me figure this out.
Thanks All !

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Responses to this topic


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Joined 2004-02-18
wondering if you ever got this problem figured out. i am trying to load the same driver under debian with no luck. list of errors is to long to post. thanks.


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Joined 2004-03-18
I got the DFE-690 TXD working out of the box with SuSEs 2.4.20 kernel + pcmcia
lsmod shows this:
tell me if you need help


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Joined 2004-04-15
I have the same trouble with the DFE-690 from D-link.
I tried to install the drivers as described by the shipped files on the installation CD-rom (Linux directory), without success.
I downloaded the cardbus package (cardbus_DFE-690TXD.tar.gz with rtl8139.c) from John Lapeyre's website at http://personal.riverusers.com/~lapeyre/.
I also tried to install the driver_ops.h file, as it seems this file is not present on any of my systems (linux mandrake 8.1, 9.1, Debian Woody).
Even the package pcmcia-cs-3.2.7.tar.gz doesn't help.
I browsed the scyld pages as well.
At compile time of the rtl8139.c file with the required options, the list of errors is too long to list here.
What can be done?


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Joined 2002-08-30
Maybe Geenberg can write a little howto!
I looked at these sites, since I have a dlink DWL-G650 for my Thinkpad. I did a little searching on this card. This is not easy stuff! Uses MADwifi drivers, only available at cvs. I'll be attempting this on a Lindows Laptop edition (Debian) install, which is currently on my system.
I am going to attempt an install on my Thinkpad (this may take a while) and will post any results.
The issue seems to be the age of the drivers compared to the recent distros. I'll watch this thread and see how you all do.
We should all write Dlink and request updated drivers!


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Joined 2004-04-25
Not sure if you're still looking for a solution, but the problem is in your command line
kgcc -DCARDBUS -DMODULE -D_KERNEL -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c dfe690.c dfe690_cb.o -I/usr/src/linux/pcmcia-cs-2.2.16/include/pcmcia
should be
kgcc -DCARDBUS -DMODULE -D_KERNEL -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c dfe690.c -o dfe690_cb.o -I/usr/src/linux/pcmcia-cs-2.2.16/include/pcmcia
You left out the '-o' that tells the compiler to make a module called dfe690_cb.o instead of one called dfe690.o.


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Joined 2004-05-19
I am a complete Linux newbie, but here's my experience if it helps:
I was able to get the D-Link DFE-690TXD Cardbus Adapter working on Red Hat 9, Kernel version 2.4.20-8 running on a Dell Latitude D-600 by selecting one of the "standard" ethernet controllers provided by the RedHat Network Config tool. When adding new hardware, I selected the adapter as a "RealTek RTL-8139, SMC EZ Card" and it worked. I did not try to compile the driver that D-Link offers on its site because it stated it was only good for 2.2.XX kernel versions, so can't speak to that. Don't know if this applies to RH7 but it might be worth a try.


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Nice find. It just so happens that this is the correct chipset for the card!
I had to use madwifi for my Dlink DWL-g650 card. Got as far as the module loading, the card blinks, trying to find a signal to the router, but never connects. DapperDan also posted his frustration trying to get his wireless pcmcia card to find a signal.


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Joined 2004-06-26
Hi honestcox and others,
Maybe you can help, because I have a setup that's nearly identical: D-Link DFE-690TXD, with Red Hat 9, Kernel version 2.4.20-8. However, I'm on an old Dell Inspiron 5000. I selected the same adapter you did in Network Configuration, and rebooted my machine. But when I did so, I got this error upon startup:
Bringing up interface eth1: 8139too device eth1 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization. [ FAILED ]
What does this mean? And, more importantly, how can I fix it?


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Joined 2004-12-24
Hey Propz, I just got a D-Link DFE-690TXD, and when I try to load the 81939too module I get No such device errors on Slackware 10 kernel 2.4.26
If anyone has advice, let us know ;-)


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Joined 2006-01-08
I just installed booted the Gentoo 2005.1 live CD with a D-Link 690-txd pcmcia card.
It was a bear to get it to work, until I typed "dmesg | less" and read the logs. They suggest booting the kernel with the option "irqpoll" enabled.
So I rebooted, and typed "gentoo irqpoll dopcmcia" at the boot prompt.
It worked !!!
Hope this helps someone else.


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Joined 2002-08-30
Good to see that you got it to work. Support for NIC cards, especially PCMCIA is much improved in the newer kernels and distros.
Note that the start of this thread is over two years old and some users were trying to use the old 2.2 series of kernels.
But, this is an excellent Gentoo tip and I hope someone does see it and benefit from it.