Archive for September 2020

KDE neon 20200930 released 0
How To Install Magento on CentOS 8 0
How to Manage Users in Ubuntu 0
How to install the Inverse icon theme on Linux 0
NVIDIA Vulkan 455.22.04 Beta Driver for Linux 0
NVIDIA 450.80.02 Linux Display Drivers released 0
How to Install LibreOffice 7.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 0
How to show a Calendar in the Debian Terminal 0
How to restart a service via systemctl under Linux 0
How To Set Up a Firewall with Awall on Alpine Linux 0
Install ISPConfig 3 - Roundcube plugins on Debian 10 0
How to Make Bash Script Executable Using Chmod 0
How To Remove Files and Directories on Linux Terminal 0
Ansible apt and yum Module - Tutorial and Examples 0
How to install Subsonic free music server on Ubuntu 20.04 linux 0
Bagisto: An Open Source eCommerce Platform 0
PHP 8.0.0 RC1 and 7.2.34 released 0
InWin B1 Mini-ITX Case Review and more 0
Use Node Affinity in Kubernetes 0
10 Types of Security Vulnerabilities 0
4 ways to back up Linux Wine apps 0
Best Markdown Editors for Linux 0
Excellent System Utilities: CPU-X – system profiler tool 0
ELA-286-1 clamav security update 0
DLA 2387-2: firefox-esr regression update 0
DLA 2388-1: nss security update 0
USN-4556-1: netqmail vulnerabilities 0
ELBA-2020-5863 Oracle Linux 7 pesign bug fix update 0
ELBA-2020-5863 Oracle Linux 7 pesign bug fix update (aarch64) 0
ELBA-2020-5863 Oracle Linux 8 pesign bug fix update 0
openSUSE-SU-2020:1574-1: important: Security update for MozillaFirefox 0
openSUSE-SU-2020:1579-1: moderate: Security update for cifs-utils 0
openSUSE-SU-2020:1575-1: important: Security update for rubygem-actionpack-5_1 0
openSUSE-SU-2020:1578-1: moderate: Security update for brotli 0
GLSA 202009-18 : Bitcoin: Multiple vulnerabilities 0
GLSA 202009-16 : LinuxCIFS: Shell injection 0
GLSA 202009-17 : gpsd: Arbitrary code execution 0
GLSA 202009-13 : Chromium, Google Chrome: Multiple vulnerabilities 0
GLSA 202009-15 : libuv: Buffer overflow 0
GLSA 202009-14 : Xen: Buffer overflow 0
ASA-202009-11: podman: information disclosure 0
ASA-202009-8: libvirt: privilege escalation 0
ASA-202009-9: chromium: multiple issues 0
ASA-202009-10: firefox: multiple issues 0
Fedora 33 Update: mediawiki-1.34.4-1.fc33 0
RHSA-2020:3966-01: Moderate: fontforge security update 0
RHSA-2020:3908-01: Moderate: cpio security update 0
RHSA-2020:3877-01: Moderate: audiofile security update 0
RHSA-2020:3878-01: Low: dnsmasq security and bug fix update 0
RHSA-2020:4032-01: Moderate: dbus security update 0