Archive for March 2007

GLSA 200703-27 Squid: Denial of Service 0
GLSA 200703-26 file: Integer underflow 0
SUSE Security Summary Report SUSE-SR:2007:005 0
SUSE Security Announcement: gpg (SUSE-SA:2007:024) 0
Stallman, Torvalds, and Novell comment on GPLv3 0
Browsing Distributions 0
System 76 Darter laptop Review 0
Fedora 7 Test 3 (6.92) 0
[Security Announce] [ MDKSA-2007:073 ] - Updated packages to address vulnerabilities 0
GLSA 200703-25 Ekiga: Format string vulnerability 0
[Security Announce] [ MDKSA-2007:072 ] - Updated kdelibs packages to address FTP PASV issue in konqueror 0
[Security Announce] [ MDKSA-2007:071 ] - Updated xmms packages to address integer vulnerabilities 0
Mandriva participates in Intel's Classmate PC project 0
Orca v2.19.0 0
gdl 0.7.3 released 0
Giggle 0.2 released 0
How To Install VMware Server On A Mandriva Free 2007 Desktop 0
GPLv3 third draft: Linus likes it, ACT hates it 0
Dell promises Linux on notebooks and desktops 0
DSA 1270-2: New packages fix several vulnerabilities 0
The Future of Linux is in Schools, Not in the Office 0
New GPL Draft Due Wednesday 0
Gnome Subtitles 0.3 0
USN-446-1: NAS vulnerabilities 0
USN-445-1: XMMS vulnerabilities 0
USN-444-1: vulnerabilities 0
USN-443-1: Firefox vulnerability 0
DSA 1273-1: New nas packages fix multiple remote vulnerabilities 0
[Security Announce] [ MDKSA-2007:070 ] - Updated evolution packages to address vulnerability 0
GLSA 200703-24 mgv: Stack overflow in included gv code 0
Mandriva & O3Spaces sign global distribution agreement 0
USN-442-1: Evolution vulnerability 0
USN-441-1: Squid vulnerability 0
SimplyMEPIS 6.5 RC3 adds Beryl 0.2.0 Final and Installer Translations 0
Freespire 2.0 Alpha 2 Released 0
WengoPhone 2.1 rc2 0
CESA-2007:0033 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 - security update 0
CESA-2007:0033 Important CentOS 4 i386 - security update 0
Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) Beta Preview 0
kiwi 1.9.14 0
Mergeant 0.66 0
Libgda/Libgnomedb 2.99.6 (AKA 3.0 RC1) 0
Swfdec 0.4.3 is out 0
gThumb 2.10.0 stable released 0
Announce: libxklavier 3.2 0
Gimmie 0.2.6 released 0
CESA-2007:0124 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 file - security update 0
CESA-2007:0124 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 file - security update 0
CESA-2007:0124 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) file - security update 0
CESA-2007:0124 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) file - security update 0