Archive for January 2007

GLSA 200701-27 ELinks: Arbitrary Samba command execution 0
GLSA 200701-26 KSirc: Denial of Service vulnerability 0
DSA 1256-1: New gtk+2.0 packages fix denial of service 0
DSA 1255-1: New libgtop2 packages fix arbitrary code execution 0
RHSA-2007:0018-01 Moderate: fetchmail security update 0
RHSA-2007:0022-01 Moderate: squirrelmail security update 0
CESA-2007:0014 Important CentOS 4 i386 kernel - security update 0
CESA-2007:0014 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 kernel - security update 0
OOo Basic crash course: Working with documents on an FTP server 0
Build Apache Derby database apps in JRuby 0
[Security Announce] [ MDKSA-2007:030 ] - Updated bind packages fix DoS vulnerabilities 0
KPDF2 0.3.0 Released 0
RHSA-2007:0014-01 Important: kernel security update 0
Replacing A Failed Hard Drive In A Software RAID1 Array 0
control-center 2.16.3 released 0
GNOME Power Manager 2.16.3 0
SUSE Security Announcement: bind remote denial of service (SUSE-SA:2007:014) 0
Fedora's metrics have ripple effect 0
Ubuntu Christmas Edition and Linux Mint Review 0
Staying In Sync with Linux 0
vte-0.14.2 released 0
Pango-1.14.10 released 0
Tomboy 0.5.5 Released 0
metacity 2.16.5 0
kiwi 1.9.12 0
Zenity 2.16.3 0
gnome-games 2.16.3 0
Eye of GNOME 2.16.3 0
gnome-mag 0.13.2 (GNOME 2.16.3) 0
Fedora Weekly News Issue 75 0
Running Windows applications with CrossOver Linux 6.0 0
GDM2 2.16.5 (stable), the "New Translations" Release 0
gnubiff 2.2.5 0
CESA-2007:0019 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 gtk2 - security update 0
CESA-2007:0019 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 gtk2 - security update 0
Back Up Linux And Windows Systems With BackupPC 0
DSA 1254-1: New bind9 packages fix denial of service 0
Debian Gets win32 Loader 0
Dunc-Tank: Success or Failure? 0
K3b 1.0 release candidate 5 released 0
bind (SSA:2007-026-01) 0
GLSA 200701-25 X.Org X server: Multiple vulnerabilities 0
GLSA 200701-24 VLC media player: Format string vulnerability 0
DSA 1253-1: New Mozilla Firefox packages fix several vulnerabilities 0
DSA 1252-1: New vlc packages fix arbitrary code execution 0
CESA-2007:0019 Moderate CentOS 4 s390(x) gtk2 - security update 0
Tracker 0.5.4 - Speed Daemon 0
CESA-2007:0019 Moderate CentOS 4 ia64 gtk2 - security update 0
Metisse: you though you knew what 3D was... 0
[Security Announce] [ MDKSA-2007:029 ] - Updated libsoup packages fix DoS vulnerability 0