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Wine Staging 3.21 based on Wine 3.21 has been released. Wine Staging is the testing area of It contains bug fixes and features, which have not been integrated into the development branch yet.

Change log:

- Added advapi32-RegLoadAppKey patchset
- Added ntdll-Manifest_Range patchset
- Added wmvcore-WMCreateSyncReaderPriv patchset
- Added wmvcore-WMCheckURlExtension patchset
- Added virtdisk-OpenVirtualDisk patchset
- Added d3dx9_36-D3DXMatrixTransformation patchset
- Updated server-Signal_Thread patchset
- Disabled wined3d-Improved-RCP_Support patchset
- Added atl-AtlAxDialogBox patchset
- Added ntdll-RtlAddGrowableFunctionTable patchset
- Updated ntdll-RtlAddGrowableFunctionTable patchset
- Updated bcrypt-BCryptGenerateKeyPair patchset
- Updated kernel32-Processor_Group patchset
- Updated advapi32-RegLoadAppKey patchset
- Updated bcrypt-BCryptDeriveKeyPBKDF2 patchset
- Updated user32-GetPointerType patchset
- Added qwave-QOSCreateHandle patchset

  Wine Staging 3.21 released