Ubuntu 6658 Published by

The release schedule of Ubuntu 13.04 has been updated

A fair while back, there was a concensus reached among various
flavour leads that the two-week/four-week spacing from Beta1 to
Beta2 to Final Release was suboptimal, and it was agreed that
we would move Beta2 a week later to make it less objectionable.

Unfortunately, while we all agreed this was a stellar idea, and
one of us even agreed to update the schedule, I suspect that
among debates about various strawman rolling release proposals,
it slipped through the cracks.

So, without further ado, I've corrected the schedule and Final
Beta (or Beta2, for flavours that did a Beta1 and like to count
with small integers) will now happen on April 4th, with its
freeze landing on March 28th.

Please adjust your calendars as appropriate. If you have any
questions, note that I'm the Release Engineering contact for
Final Beta, so feel free to talk to me.

... Adam