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A public beta of Steam for Linux has been released

he Steam for Linux beta program is now open to the public! In order to participate in the beta, you must download the latest Steam Linux client (found here) or upgrade your existing Steam for Linux client to the latest version.
In addition, we will now track Steam for Linux client bugs using GitHub. This provides a better interface for tracking bugs than the forums used in the closed beta. The Steam for Linux repository (currently empty) is public, allowing anyone with a free GitHub account to create a new issue and edit or track it and search the existing bug database. The repository contains a readme file ( detailing how to create a new issue (it describes the same format used in the closed beta).
The team will continue working through existing issues in the forum but it is strongly recommended that any new issues be entered using GitHub's issue tracking interface. The sub forums will remain open so that people can join/continue existing discussions about the Steam for Linux client.
And last but not least, we now have a steam installer package repository. There is a mailing list for announcing updates to the steam installer package. To subscribe, use the public mailman page located here:

Here's the change list for this release:

The Steam for Linux client closed beta transitioned to an open beta.
Linux - Fixed excessive CPU usage by the Steam client when running Team Fortress 2
Linux - Fixed overlay crash when starting Cubemen
Big Picture - Improved back navigation behavior throughout user interface
Big Picture - Added discount timers and other user interface to store
  Steam for Linux Public Beta released