SparkyLinux 75 Published by

New ISO images (LXQt, MATE, Xfce, KDE, MinimalGUI, and MinimalCLI) of SparkyLinux rolling edition based on Debian GNU/Linux 13 Trixie (testing) are now available.

Sparky 2024.08

This is an update of Sparky semi-rolling iso images of the Debian testing line, which provides home partition encrypting to the CLI Installer, Midori as a default web browser, and package updating as usually.

Main changes:
– all packages upgraded from Debian and Sparky testing repos as of August 12, 2024
– Linux kernel 6.10.3 (6.10.4, 6.6.45-LTS, 6.1.104-LTS, 5.15.164-LTS in Sparky repos)
– GCC 14, Python 3.12.4
– Midori web browser & AstianGo search engine as default:  /sparky-2024-07dev0-with-cli-installers-home-encryption-and-midori/
– Sparky CLI Installer with added home partition encrypting option:  /sparky-2024-07dev0-with-cli-installers-home-encryption-and-midori/
– Firefox 129.0.1 in Sparky repos
– Thunderbird 115.13.0
– LibreOffice 24.2.5

The live user password: live
root password is empty.

If you have Sparky rolling installed – simply keep it up to date. No need to reinstall your OS.

Get new semi-rolling iso images from:  /download/rolling/ page.

ISO images are available from a few locations: wordwide (SourceForge), USA, Singapure and India.
There are also a few package repo mirrors available of your choice: Germany (main), Germany (DE2), USA (US2), Singapore (SI1), and India (IN1).


Sparky 2024.08 - SparkyLinux