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New ISO images of Sparky 2022.12 Special Editions are now available.

Sparky 2022.12 Special Editions

There are new iso images of Sparky 2022.12 Special Editions ready to go.

Sparky  “GameOver” Edition features a lightweight desktop, a very large number of preinstalled games, useful tools and scripts. Built for gamers.

Sparky  “Multimedia” Edition uses a lightweight desktop environment and features a large set of tools for creating and editing graphics, audio, video and HTML pages.

Sparky  “Rescue” Edition is an operating system which works in a live DVD/USB mode only (no installation on a hard drive). The Live system contains a large set of tools for scanning and fixing files, partitions and operating systems installed on hard drives.

The December update of Sparky Special Edition iso images features Linux kernel 6.0.12 of the 6.0 line, and other updated packages from Debian and Sparky testing repos as of December 12, 2022.

The most imported change is about the Calamares and Sparky CLI Installer – fixed an issue of installation on btrfs file system.
Alos fixed detecting efi module in CLI Installer.
Installed GParted back to live iso as requested.

A new build of Multimedia spin failed so you can still use the version 2022.10.

No reinstallation is required if you have Sparky rolling installed, simply keep it up to date.

New iso images of Sparky semi-rolling can be downloaded from the download/rolling page

SparkyLinux #1

Sparky 2022.12 Special Editions