Debian 10324 Published by

The following updates are available for Debian GNU/Linux:

ELA-1059-1 pillow security update
ELA-1057-1 inetutils security update
[DSA 5641-1] fontforge security update

ELA-1059-1 pillow security update

Package : pillow
Version : 2.6.1-2+deb8u9 (jessie), 4.0.0-4+deb9u5 (stretch)

Related CVEs :

Multiple vulnerabilities were discovered in the Python Imaging Library (PIL),
an image processing library for Python.

A fix for this CVE was announced in advisories DLA-2893-1 and ELA-546-1. It
was discovered that this fix was incomplete. This update completes the fix.

It was discovered that the getrgb function was vulnerable to a regular
expression denial-of-service attack.

It was discovered that an overlong text length argument passed to an ImageDraw
instance could cause uncontrollable memory allocation and denial-of-service.

It was discovered that PIL.ImageMath.eval could permit arbitrary code
execution via the environment parameter (see also CVE-2022-22817, which
concerned the expression parameter).

ELA-1059-1 pillow security update

ELA-1057-1 inetutils security update

Package : inetutils
Version : 2: (jessie)

Related CVEs :

Multiple vulnerabilities were found in the inetutils package, a collection
of common network programs.

A stack-based overflow is present in the handling of environment variables
when connecting via the telnet client to remote telnet servers. This issue
only affects the telnet client — accessible from the CLI or shell — in
Junos OS. Inbound telnet services are not affected by this issue.

The ftp client in inetutils does not validate addresses returned by
PASV/LSPV responses to make sure they match the server address.

telnetd in inetutils has a NULL pointer dereference via 0xff 0xf7 or 0xff
0xf8. In a typical installation, the telnetd application would crash but
the telnet service would remain available through inetd. However, if the
telnetd application has many crashes within a short time interval, the
telnet service would become unavailable after inetd logs a “telnet/tcp
server failing (looping), service terminated” error.

inetutils may allow privilege escalation because of unchecked return values
of set*id() family functions in ftpd, rcp, rlogin, rsh, rshd, and uucpd.
This is, for example, relevant if the setuid system call fails when a
process is trying to drop privileges before letting an ordinary user
control the activities of the process.

ELA-1057-1 inetutils security update

[DSA 5641-1] fontforge security update

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Debian Security Advisory DSA-5641-1 Salvatore Bonaccorso
March 19, 2024
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Package : fontforge
CVE ID : CVE-2024-25081 CVE-2024-25082
Debian Bug : 1064967

It was discovered that fontforge, a font editor, is prone to shell command
injection vulnerabilities when processing specially crafted files.

For the oldstable distribution (bullseye), these problems have been fixed
in version 1:20201107~dfsg-4+deb11u1.

For the stable distribution (bookworm), these problems have been fixed in
version 1:20230101~dfsg-1.1~deb12u1.

We recommend that you upgrade your fontforge packages.

For the detailed security status of fontforge please refer to
its security tracker page at:

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: