Debian 10163 Published by

Ondřej Surý has released PHP 7.2.7 packages for both Debian GNU/Linux 8 LTS and 9

PHP 7.2.7
- Core:
. Fixed bug #76337 (segfault when opcache enabled + extension use
zend_register_class_alias). (xKhorasan)

- CLI Server:
. Fixed bug #76333 (PHP built-in server does not find files if root path
contains special characters). (Anatol)

- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #76296 (openssl_pkey_get_public does not respect open_basedir).
(Erik Lax, Jakub Zelenka)
. Fixed bug #76174 (openssl extension fails to build with LibreSSL 2.7).
(Jakub Zelenka)

- SPL:
. Fixed bug #76367 (NoRewindIterator segfault 11). (Laruence)

- Standard:
. Fixed bug #76410 (SIGV in zend_mm_alloc_small). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #76335 ("link(): Bad file descriptor" with non-ASCII path).
To add the PHP repository to your Debian installation, run as root:
apt-get install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates
wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg
sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list'
apt-get update
To install PHP 7.2 with MySQL/MariaDB and php-fpm support:
apt-get install php7.2-cgi php7.2-gd php7.2-curl php7.2-imap php7.2-sqlite3 php7.2-mysql php7.2-tidy php7.2-pspell php7.2-recode php7.2-xml php7.2-intl php7.2-enchant php7.2-gmp php7.2-mbstring php7.2-soap php7.2-xmlrpc php7.2-zip php7.2-fpm

Please note that the mcrypt package is no longer available after the support has been removed from PHP 7.2