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A ssh-audit security update has been released for openSUSE Leap 15.2.

openSUSE-SU-2021:1383-1: moderate: Security update for ssh-audit

openSUSE Security Update: Security update for ssh-audit

Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2021:1383-1
Rating: moderate
Cross-References: CVE-2018-15473
CVSS scores:
CVE-2018-15473 (NVD) : 5.3 CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N
CVE-2018-15473 (SUSE): 5.8 CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:L/I:N/A:N

Affected Products:
openSUSE Leap 15.2

An update that fixes one vulnerability is now available.


This update for ssh-audit fixes the following issues:

ssh-audit was updated to version 2.5.0

* Fixed crash when running host key tests.
* Handles server connection failures more gracefully.
* Now prints JSON with indents when -jj is used (useful for debugging).
* Added MD5 fingerprints to verbose output.
* Added -d/--debug option for getting debugging output.
* Updated JSON output to include MD5 fingerprints. Note that this results
in a breaking change in the 'fingerprints' dictionary format.
* Updated OpenSSH 8.1 (and earlier) policies to include rsa-sha2-512 and
* Added OpenSSH v8.6 & v8.7 policies.
* Added 3 new key exchanges:

+ gss-gex-sha1-eipGX3TCiQSrx573bT1o1Q==
+ gss-group1-sha1-eipGX3TCiQSrx573bT1o1Q==
+ gss-group14-sha1-eipGX3TCiQSrx573bT1o1Q==
* Added 3 new MACs:

+ hmac-ripemd160-96

Update to version 2.4.0

* Added multi-threaded scanning support.
* Added version check for OpenSSH user enumeration (CVE-2018-15473).
* Added deprecation note to host key types based on SHA-1.
* Added extra warnings for SSHv1.
* Added built-in hardened OpenSSH v8.5 policy.
* Upgraded warnings to failures for host key types based on SHA-1
* Fixed crash when receiving unexpected response during host key test.
* Fixed hang against older Cisco devices during host key test & gex test.
* Fixed improper termination while scanning multiple targets when
one target returns an error.
* Dropped support for Python 3.5 (which reached EOL in Sept.2020)
* Added 1 new key exchange:

Update to version 2.3.1

* Now parses public key sizes for and host key types.
* Flag as a failure due to SHA-1 hash.
* Fixed bug in recommendation output which suppressed some algorithms
* Built-in policies now include CA key requirements (if certificates are
in use).
* Lookup function (--lookup) now performs case-insensitive lookups of
similar algorithms.
* Migrated pre-made policies from external files to internal database.
* Split single 3,500 line script into many files (by class).
* Added support
* Added 1 new cipher:

Update to version 2.3.0

The highlight of this release is support for policy scanning (this allows
an admin to test a server against a hardened/standard configuration).

* Added new policy auditing functionality to test adherence to a hardening
guide/standard configuration (see -L/--list-policies, -M/--make-policy
and -P/--policy).
* Created new man page (see ssh-audit.1 file).
* 1024-bit moduli upgraded from warnings to failures.
* Many Python 2 code clean-ups, testing framework improvements, pylint &
flake8 fixes, and mypy type comments.
* Added feature to look up algorithms in internal database (see --lookup)
* Suppress recommendation of token host key types.
* Added check for use-after-free vulnerability in PuTTY v0.73.
* Added 11 new host key types: ssh-rsa1,,
ssh-gost2001, ssh-gost2012-256, ssh-gost2012-512, spki-sign-rsa,
ssh-ed448, x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,
x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp521, x509v3-rsa2048-sha256.
* Added 8 new key exchanges: diffie-hellman-group1-sha256,
kexAlgoCurve25519SHA256, Curve25519SHA256, gss-group14-sha256-,
gss-group15-sha512-, gss-group16-sha512-, gss-nistp256-sha256-,
* Added 5 new ciphers: blowfish, AEAD_AES_128_GCM, AEAD_AES_256_GCM,,
* Added 3 new MACs:, hmac-sha3-224,
- Update ssh-audit.keyring

Patch Instructions:

To install this openSUSE Security Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".

Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

- openSUSE Leap 15.2:

zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2021-1383=1

Package List:

- openSUSE Leap 15.2 (noarch):

