KDE 1520 Published by

After about a month we're proud to announce kipi-plugins 0.1.3 rc1 is out.

If we have no bad feed backs, the final could be released in the second half of January.

You can get it as usual http://sourceforge.net/projects/kipi

Kipi-plugins NEW FEATURES

Slideshow : Show image comments (configurable)

Kipi-plugins BUG FIXING from B.K.O (http://bugs.kde.org):

001 ==> 138410 : General : kipi-plugins-0.1.3-beta1 requires latest libkipi/libkexif.
002 ==> 106133 : Slideshow : Show image comments in slideshow mode.
003 ==> 124057 : SendImages : Problems sending jpeg-pictures from digiKam using the "send picture"-feature.
004 ==> 108147 : Slideshow : Interval below 1 second.

mailing list: kde-imaging@kde.org
site: http://www.kipi-plugins.org

Enjoy and happy new year,
