MX Linux 24 Published by

Dolphin Oracle has announced the release of MX Linux 23.

MX-23 “Libretto” now available

MX-23 iso images
–direct downloads:

32 bit Xfce with debian standard 6.1 kernel  sha256_checksum  md5_checksum  signature
64 bit Xfce with debian standard 6.1 kernel  sha256_checksum  md5_checksum  signature
AHS 64 bit Xfce with 6.4 kernel  sha256_checksum  md5_checksum  signature

64 bit KDE/plasma with debian standard 6.1 kernel  sha256_checksum  md5_checksum  signature

32 bit Fluxbox with debian standard 6.1 kernel  sha256_checksum  md5_checksum  signature
64 bit Fluxbox with debian standard 6.1 kernel  sha256_checksum  md5_checksum  signature

MX-23 is now available for download. MX-23 is built from debian 12 “bookworm” and MX repositories. As in past releases, the MX will default to sysVinit but systemd remains an option for installed systems. Updates from RC and beta to final are fully supported.

The live boot menus now have a more obvious “check media” function in the top level menu. The media will be checked and boot will continue if things look good.

Major Desktop versions
Xfce 4.18
Fluxbox 1.3.7
KDE/plasma 5.27

Accessibility: All release now include orca screen reader and a screen magnifier tool. Fluxbox and Xfce have magnus screen magnifier, and KDE/plasma uses kmag. At this time due to debian’s orca packaging, orca does not appear in the menus but can be launched manually. In particular orca is configurable in KDE’s integrated accessibility settings.

MX Tools: Many mx apps have been updated with bug fixes and enhancements. All tools now launch with individual policy kit configurations rather than using the blanket mx-pkexec from past releases. mx-pkexec is not preinstalled.

A new application, “User Installed Packages” is available on both MX-21 and MX-23. The app will make a file containing a list of packages installed by the user on one system, and allow that file to be opened on another system for installation of those packages. This should help users with migration from one major version to another.

The very popular MX Snapshot has received a lot of attention to help users customize their snapshot boot options while automatically filtering out option that might prevent the created live system from starting up on different machines.

Many MX-Tweak options updated to deal with polkit changes, expanded theming options on Xfce and Fluxbox, and a few new configuration items added.

MX-Updater can be configured to use nala as a backend rather than standard apt.

All releases use pipewire & wireplumber instead of pulseaudio.

UFW firewall is enabled by default. This may affect printer setup for some users.

There are many new configuration options for the fluxbox release, as well as special “appfinder” configurations for rofi (replacing xfce4-appfinder). The fluxbox release relies much less on Xfce applications, but retains thunar for the file manager. mx-tweak’s theme module now has support for theming on fluxbox.

The KDE/Plasma received several tweaks to the settings to deal with new configuration options available in plasma 5.27. Root actions remain in dolphin, including root dolphin instances via the root service menu actions.

Translation/Localization has been improved across the board, with many new languages added. There is still work to do, but big strides were made this release.

sysVinit remains the default init system. systemd is available as a boot option on installed systems (but not on live systems). In other words, exactly the same as MX21.

Migration notes are at

Thank you to all the contributors, supporters, and enthusiasts. MX-23 is for you.

Special thanks to:

To all the beta and RC testers, we can’t name you all, but thank you, thank you, thank you!
To all of those contributing to localizations, thank you! That is important and often overlooked work!
To the Fluxbox users in the forum that contributed to the new Fluxbox configurations and applications, but especially, kobaian, i_ri, siamhie, Wallon and new dev team members Melber & ceeslans.
To m_pav for taking the fluxbox iso build duites.
To ak-47 for the work on the installer’s extended features and other Qt stuff.
To stevo, timkb4cp, and mmikeinsantarosa, for all the work on the repos, ahs, firefox, and package porting.
To asqwerth, Freja, and the rest of art team and contributors for the fantastic contributions from some amazing artists that contributed the artwork for this release.
To fehlix for the work maintaining the antiX live system, being the grub-meister, and troubleshooting pretty much everywhere else in the MX ecosystem.
To knelsonmeiseter for the continued help with systemd-shim.
To the Forum Moderator team of richb, Eadwine Rose, Utopia, j2mcgreg, CharlesV, and chrispop99 for keeping things from getting too hot, especially during testing.
Andy Lobb for modding the facebook group (11.1K members and growing).
To peregrine for all the work on the website, blog, and help files.
To forum user FullScale4Me for the help with the manual.
To Jerry3904, for the documentation and fluxbox management, and pretty much all the otherwise thankless jobs.
To adrian for all the work on Snapshot and the MX-tools and for managing the KDE/plasma iso builds.

and to the rest of the dev team and contributors who keep this community driven distribution moving forward.

Dolphin Oracle (on behalf of the MX Dev Team)

The team, in no particular order or job position, but without whom MX doesn’t happen:

adrian, peregrine, richb, timkb4cq, Jerry3904, m_pav, Stevo, Utopia, asqwerth, dolphin_oracle, chrispop99, mmikeinsantrarosa, anticapitalista, Auro Kumar Sahoo, freja, AK-47, ceeslans, Melber, fehlix, Eadwine Rose, j2mcgreg, CharlesV


MX-23 “Libretto” now available – MX Linux