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A new version of the open source vector graphics editor Inkscape has been released. The new version comes with a new Welcome dialog, revamped Dialog Docking System, and much more.

Welcome to Inkscape 1.1!

Among the highlights in Inkscape 1.1 are a Welcome dialog, a Command Palette, a revamped Dialog Docking System, and searchable preference options, along with new formats for exporting your work.

Here at the Inkscape project, we're proud to have contributors from around the world who invest their time, energy and skills towards coding, debugging, translating, documenting and promoting the program.

Built mostly with the power of a team of volunteers, this open source vector editor represents the work of many hearts and hands from around the world, who ensure that Inkscape remains available free for everyone to download and enjoy. Big Thanks go to the 2020 cohort of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) students (and their mentors) who worked hard to deliver some of the features and bug fixes in 1.1.

Let's dive into some highlights and tour what's new and what you can now do with the latest version of Inkscape!


Welcome to Inkscape 1.1! | Inkscape