Fedora Linux 8715 Published by

A pcmcia-cs security update is available for Fedora Core 3

Fedora Update Notification

Product : Fedora Core 3
Name : pcmcia-cs
Version : 3.2.7
Release : 2.2
Summary : Utilities for handling PCMCIA devices
Description :
User-level daemon and utilities for using PCMCIA devices on Linux.


* Mon Feb 21 2005 Dave Jones davej@redhat.com
- Fix double fclose in parse_cis() (#146113)

This update can be downloaded from:

2d0f6323f1b36acf5d4261ceece30876 SRPMS/pcmcia-cs-3.2.7-2.2.src.rpm
52c2ab505398a3578c8ac9cab08c36f3 x86_64/pcmcia-cs-3.2.7-2.2.x86_64.rpm
4a5ea87c3f92d63255382ed5b82b8a4c x86_64/debug/pcmcia-cs-debuginfo-3.2.7-2.2.x86_64.rpm
e65dea697557ca792ed512e9208ed81d i386/pcmcia-cs-3.2.7-2.2.i386.rpm
25baf7b5562daa1a46baeac5377e3ff2 i386/debug/pcmcia-cs-debuginfo-3.2.7-2.2.i386.rpm

This update can also be installed with the Update Agent; you can launch the Update Agent with the 'up2date' command.