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A php security update has been released for Fedora 30 to address multiple security issues.

Fedora Update Notification
2020-03-26 09:47:01.601556

Name : php
Product : Fedora 30
Version : 7.3.16
Release : 1.fc30
URL :   http://www.php.net/
Summary : PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
Description :
PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. PHP attempts to make it
easy for developers to write dynamically generated web pages. PHP also
offers built-in database integration for several commercial and
non-commercial database management systems, so writing a
database-enabled webpage with PHP is fairly simple. The most common
use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts.

The php package contains the module (often referred to as mod_php)
which adds support for the PHP language to Apache HTTP Server.

Update Information:

**PHP version 7.3.16** (19 Mar 2020) **Core:** * Fixed bug php#63206
(restore_error_handler does not restore previous errors mask). (Mark Plomer)
**DOM:** * Fixed bug php#77569: (Write Access Violation in DomImplementation).
(Nikita, cmb) * Fixed bug php#79271 (DOMDocumentType::$childNodes is NULL).
(cmb) **Enchant:** * Fixed bug php#79311 (enchant_dict_suggest() fails on big
endian architecture). (cmb) **EXIF:** * Fixed bug php#79282 (Use-of-
uninitialized-value in exif). (**CVE-2020-7064*) (Nikita) **MBstring:** *
Fixed bug php#79371 (mb_strtolower (UTF-32LE): stack-buffer-overflow at
php_unicode_tolower_full). (**CVE-2020-7065**) (cmb) **MySQLi:** * Fixed bug
php#64032 (mysqli reports different client_version). (cmb) **PCRE:** * Fixed
bug php#79188 (Memory corruption in preg_replace/preg_replace_callback and
unicode). (Nikita) **PDO_ODBC:** * Fixed bug php#79038
(PDOStatement::nextRowset() leaks column values). (cmb) **Reflection:** *
Fixed bug php#79062 (Property with heredoc default value returns false for
getDocComment). (Nikita) **SQLite3:** * Fixed bug php#79294 (::columnType()
may fail after SQLite3Stmt::reset()). (cmb) **Standard:** * Fixed bug
php#79329 (get_headers() silently truncates after a null byte).
(**CVE-2020-7066**) (cmb) * Fixed bug php#79254 (getenv() w/o arguments not
showing changes). (cmb) * Fixed bug php#79265 (Improper injection of Host header
when using fopen for http requests). (Miguel Xavier Penha Neto)

* Tue Mar 17 2020 Remi Collet - 7.3.16-1
- Update to 7.3.16 -   http://www.php.net/releases/7_3_16.php

This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use
su -c 'dnf upgrade --advisory FEDORA-2020-ce5a2a7403' at the command
line. For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key. More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at