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In a blog post, Alan Pope discussed a scam that is currently taking place in the Canonical Snap store, which involves the use of fake Bitcoin wallet applications. Exodus-build-96567 is the name of the application that is published by the publisher digisafe00000, which appears to be not very legitimate. The application can be found in searches conducted within the desktop graphical storefront known as "Ubuntu Software" or "App Centre." However, the app does not provide any information about its functionality, despite the fact that it claims to "Secure, Manage, and Swap all of your favorite assets."

Guess Who's Back? Exodus Scam BitCoin Wallet Snap!

Previously Back in February, I blogged about a series of scam Bitcoin wallet apps that were published in the Canonical Snap store, including one which netted a scammer $490K of some poor rube’s coin. The snap was eventually removed, and some threads were started over on the Snapcraft forum Groundhog Day Nothing has changed it seems, because once again, ANOTHER TEN scam BitCoin wallet apps have been published in the Snap Store today.


Guess Who's Back? Exodus Scam BitCoin Wallet Snap!