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A libmodplug security update has been released for Debian GNU/Linux

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-2226-1 Moritz Muehlenhoff
April 26, 2011
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Package : libmodplug
Vulnerability : buffer overflow
Problem type : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2011-1574
Debian Bug : 622091

M. Lucinskij and P. Tumenas discovered a buffer overflow in the code for
processing S3M tracker files in the Modplug tracker music library, which
may result in the execution of arbitrary code.

For the oldstable distribution (lenny), this problem has been fixed in
version 0.8.4-1+lenny2.

For the stable distribution (squeeze), this problem has been fixed in
version 1:

For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in
version 1:

We recommend that you upgrade your libmodplug packages.

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: