CentOS 5527 Published by

CentOS Stream 9 is now open for contribution.

CentOS Stream 9 is open for contribution: Container images and a note about new composes

We've been working on producing more artifacts for CentOS Stream 9, those can be found at the composes location:  https://composes.stream.centos.org

You'll notice a few directories under there, we recommend folks who have been consuming CentOS Stream 9 to use the composes under the 'production/' directory. Composes in the production directory are what we'll eventually use to publish to the mirrors

Here's a short description of each compose type:

- Test composes: run ad-hoc against content that may not have made it through testing/RHEL gating yet

- Development composes: run regularly (goal of 1 per day) against gated content

- Production composes: run regularly (goal of 1 per day) against gated content and are candidates for promoting to the mirrors

Container images are regularly produced from the Development composes, you can find those at  quay.io/centos/centos:stream9-development

We are also refining our quickstart contribution guide:  https://docs.centos.org/en-US/stream-contrib/quickstart/

The CentOS Stream 9 repos have been open for a few months now, but this captures the process if you'd like to participate and make change. File a
bugzilla, and happy patching!

What you can expect for the rest of the quarter:

- Cloud images are coming in the next month or so
- Signed packages are coming in the next month or so
- Publishing to the mirrors will happen later this quarter

If you have any questions, direct these to Brian Stinson, or the centos-devel mailing list.
