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A new version of the digital audio workstation Ardour has been released.

Ardour 7.4 released

Ardour 7.4 is now available. This is mostly a bugfix release — several important ones have accumulated since 7.3 — but there is also a sprinkling of new features, notably MIDI subgroup busses.

There has also been a lot of work on features that we had hoped to have ready for 7.4, but will now be officially released in 7.5. The curious may find some of them already, but we’re not ready to announce or document them yet.

One other small change for this release: people interested in just trying Ardour out via our free/demo build will no longer have to wait to get an email containing the link. We’ve decided that after 10 years of asking people for their email address and doing nothing with them, we’ll just stop asking and provide the download link directly.

Please read  the full release notes  for more details and/or download as usual at .

Ardour 7.4 released