The first release candidate for Apache NetBeans IDE 25 has been released for testing, featuring various enhancements aimed at optimizing the development workflow. Improvements encompass Gradle, Maven, Ant, Java, Groovy, PHP, VSCode, Web, Web.jsf, OCI Cloud Assets, JS CDT Debugger, CSS, JS, and UI.
Apache NetBeans 25-rc1
What's Changed
- Test single file should work for test classes which names do not match the corresponding file names. by @dbalek in #8021
- Action for running tests in parallel by @petrovic-d in #7979
- Maven: Improve dependency resolution (for example for annotation processors like lombok) by @matthiasblaesing in #8057
- Maven remote index migration and refactoring by @mbien in #7976
- Fixing ProjectReload with missing artifacts by @sdedic in #7855
- Fix ConcurrentModificationException on mass Ant project open. by @mbien in #7989
- Payara Server instance running on WSL with deploy-on-save breaks "Web Application" Ant projects by @jGauravGupta in #8144
- Fix code-folding for LSP clients that support line-folding only by @sid-srini in #7750
- Checking for null capabilities. by @lahodaj in #7921
- Fix tests failure due to CRLF mismatch on Windows in java.hints, java.source.base by @sid-srini in #7910
- Fix MacOS tests failures in java.hints by @sid-srini in #7926
- Update embedded tomcat from 9.0.71 to 9.0.96 by @mbien in #7919
- Fix java/j2ee.persistence test and add it to build pipeline by @matthiasblaesing in #7943
- Remove unnecessary continue/return hint should handle rule cases and switch expressions. by @lahodaj in #7968
- Fix possible out of bounds exception in switch pattern hint by @mbien in #7973
- [NETBEANS-7949] Fixing handling of 'case null'. by @lahodaj in #7980
- Improving Java code completion support for sealed types in switches. by @lahodaj in #7966
- Ensure AttrContext.returnResult's checkContext is set to Check.basicHandler in javac's Scopes, to avoid it throwing exceptions. by @lahodaj in #8016
- Downgrade CI jobs to JDK 23 by @mbien in #8061
- Improve stability of Java code completion (sealed) tests. by @lahodaj in #8066
- Do not break additional DocumentFilters by @sdedic in #7903
- Merge jakarta.web.beans and web.beans by @matthiasblaesing in #7958
- Update textmate support by @matthiasblaesing in #7971
- Upgrading nb-javac to JDK 24b29. by @lahodaj in #8037
- [NETBEANS-7069] Support Nashorn 15.x for JDK >= 15 by @cz6ace in #7972
- update formatter to handle record closing braces correctly by @mbien in #8106
- typo fix for apidoc by @ebarboni in #8148
- Set javadoc 23 specific flags only on JDK 23 and later by @mbien in #8152
- [Groovy] Prevent NPE for mark occurrences by @matthiasblaesing in #8094
- Update Groovy libraries to 3.0.23 by @matthiasblaesing in #8095
- [PHP] Add PHPStan rule level 10 by @KacerCZ in #8010
- Prevent NPE by @junichi11 in #8046
- [PHP] Prevent NPE for mark occurrences by @junichi11 in #8070
- PHP 8.3 Support: Arbitrary static variable initializers by @junichi11 in #8085
- PHP 8.4 Support: new MyClass()->method() without parentheses by @junichi11 in #8117
- PHP 8.4 Support: #[\Deprecated] Attribute by @junichi11 in #8139
- Regenerate PHP signature files by @junichi11 in #8140
- Add support for PHPStan error identifiers by @KacerCZ in #8170
- PHP 8.4 Support: Asymmetric Visibility v2 by @junichi11 in #8177
- PHP: implemented the ability to run a test method when clicking the run icon in the gutter editor. by @troizet in #8142
- VSCode integration commands by @jhorvath in #7894
- fixes #7879 - config set schema command for postgresql by @wumpz in #7892
- web.jsf: Fix typo in JSF composite component template by @matthiasblaesing in #8017
- OCI Cloud Assets: Select OCI Profile should display correct region code. by @dbalek in #8120
- SYNCHRONIZE permission added to 'readWriteAcl' list by @thurka in #8132
- create new AclEntry if ownerEntry is not found by @thurka in #8133
- Fixing the build output appearance in vscode by @jhorvath in #8129
- Add support for GlassFish 7 up to 7.0.21, and GlassFish 8 up to 8.0.0-M9 by @pepness in #8153
- libs.fabric8: Prevent generation of signature files and fix description by @matthiasblaesing in #8162
- Improve support for Jakarta EE 11 by @pepness in #8182
- Fix ugly semantic coloring on CSL languages while editing by @lkishalmi in #8018
- JS CDT Debugger: Improve path handling and remember connection settings by @matthiasblaesing in #7931
- Code cleanup for csl.editor.semantic package by @lkishalmi in #8028
- [JS] Prevent NPE for mark occurrences by @junichi11 in #8071
- CSS: Fix parsing of @Keyframes rules by @matthiasblaesing in #8053
- csl.api: Fix GsfSemanticLayer after 0ba2e7a by @matthiasblaesing in #8103
- Better change tracking for Semantic highlighting for CSL by @lkishalmi in #8099
- Extending lsp.client with support for DAP by @jtulach in #8098
- Fix ClassCastException on occurrence higlighting for CSL by @lkishalmi in #8124
- CSS: Improve parsing of custom @-rules by @matthiasblaesing in #8104
- csl.api: Fix wrong @nonnull annotation in methods of Language by @matthiasblaesing in #8146
- typescript: Fix location of binaries by @matthiasblaesing in #8168
- Improve refactoring preview divider handling and tree navigation. by @mbien in #8089
- Ensure left search results panel is always visible. by @mbien in #8088
- Persist tab order on per-project basis between close/open. by @mbien in #8164
- Fix NPE during project group creation caused by ergonomics by @mbien in #8171
UI Changes
- Switch SVG loading from the Batik library to JSVG by @eirikbakke in #7941
- DirectoryChooserUI button position adjustments by @mbien in #8105
- DirectoryChooserUI: reduce reflective win ShellFolder API usage by @mbien in #8110
- Donate another batch of SVG icons by @eirikbakke in #8083
- Adjust FlatLafDark tab-switcher and selection foreground colors by @mbien in #8175
- Small improvements to the “Show parent folder name in tab title” option by @troizet in #7930
- Add ImageUtilities methods to help migrating away from "new ImageIcon" (SVG icon related) by @eirikbakke in #8114
- Tabcontrol: Use NbBundle to fetch correct translation by @matthiasblaesing in #7970
- Log JDK boot modules on startup. by @mbien in #8059
- Remove flag from windows launcher. by @mbien in #8009
- Update to Windows launcher (2-6c17cc6) and move security manager flag from launcher to config by @mbien in #8122
- Support for UserQuestionException during reloads by @sdedic in #7904
- NB config: disable TopSecurityManager and enable exit logging by @mbien in #8169
Language Server Protocol
- LSP Server: Adding Null Checks in MoveRefactoring code action by @shivam71 in #7923
- Use tripleslash file:/// URIs uniformly. Avoid null text in TextEdits. by @sdedic in #7883
- Hide keybindings for NBLS by @jhorvath in #8033
- Create new output channel for every LspIO by @jhorvath in #8000
- VSCode: Removing option for external formatters. by @dbalek in #8111
- Fix fabric8 license by @jhorvath in #8131
VSCode Extension
- VSCode: Running all tests in project fixed. by @dbalek in #7993
- Fix nanoid and revert default VSIX version by @MartinBalin in #8047
- Dispatch additional test events by @petrovic-d in #8093
- Error handling for TestAdapter and DBConfigurationProvider by @petrovic-d in #8137
- Fix race/error handling issues on NBLS restart. by @sdedic in #8134
- Prevent terminal stealing focus when test in parallel profile exist by @petrovic-d in #8155
- VSNetBeans: Disable SecurityManager [compat:jdk19-24]. Avoid repeated starts on failure. by @sdedic in #8159
- Change parameter order for runDebug, compat with NBLS codelenses. by @sdedic in #8173
- CI: build and start testing on JDK 24-ea by @mbien in #7974
- CI: Lock native binaries builds to ubuntu 22 by @mbien in #8062
- Cleanup the few remaining HashSet warnings. by @BradWalker in #8147
- Cleanup warnings that are related to the use of a Result raw type.. by @BradWalker in #7597
Other Changes
- Implement subword completion for SQL editor by @matthiasblaesing in #7945
New Contributors
- @wumpz made their first contribution in #7892
- @shivam71 made their first contribution in #7923
- @cz6ace made their first contribution in #7972
Full Changelog: 24...25-rc1