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The third release candidate for Apache NetBeans 24 incorporates fixes for Java, Enterprise, and Platform concerns, including enhancements in TokenList synchronization. Reset to index, perform validation prior to adding items to CloudAssets, and ensure the platform output window begins at index 0.

Apache NetBeans 24-rc3

What's Changed


  • [NETBEANS-7467] Fixing synchronization in TokenList.resetToIndex by  @lahodaj in  #7937


  • Validation before adding items into CloudAssets by  @jhorvath in  #7929
  • Fix how docker image is executed in the OCI Compute Instance by  @jhorvath in  #7936


  • OutputWindow: text selection can start at index 0. by  @mbien in  #7951

Full Changelog 24-rc2...24-rc3

Release Apache NetBeans 24-rc3 · apache/netbeans