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An alpha version of "AM" Application Manager 8, a database and solution for all AppImages and portable apps for GNU/Linux, has been released for testing.

"AM" 8 alpha1

There are some changes in progress that will bring "AM" to a much more versatile use in terms of permissions:

  • processes will happen in ~/.cache/am instead of /opt/am/.cache
  • lists will be saved and consulted in ~/.local/share/AM, a directory that will be common to both "AM" and "AppMan"
  • BASH/ZSH completion will be enabled by default, and managed via the ~/.bash_completion file (for BASH), in a completely "rootless" way, and in order to extend the arguments to be used dynamically

To test the changes, you can run the following command

am --devmode-enable

in order to start the tests that will release "AM" 8.

See the development branch for more

Status until this pre-release  main...snapshot-20240823-am-8-pre-alpha1

Release "AM" 8alpha1 · ivan-hc/AM