Arch Linux 783 Published by

ALG, formerly known as Arch Linux GUI, has just received a brand-new update. It is an offline, quick graphical installer for Arch Linux that has recently received an update with new functionality.

ALG released /alg-kde-min-2022.12-x86_64.iso

Happy Holidays to everyone in the community. The KDE-minimal ISO that is released in FILES, is in celebration of the holidays and the upcoming anniversary. It is an old ALG edition that was released during the first two releases only. Stay safe and have fun. ~ DemonKiller

ALG was a fast offline graphical installer for Arch Linux

Thank you to all the members in the ALG community for their support.

Arch Linux GUI GNOME #1


  • Follows Arch's KISS philosophy
  • Calamares Installer Makes it easier to Install
  • Easy to Multiboot with Windows/Other Linux Distros in both Legcay or UEFI boot modes.
  • Internet Support for both Wired and Wireless networks

Download alg-kde-min-2022.12-x86_64.iso