SimplyMEPIS 3.3-test02 has been released
OSDir has posted a screenshot slideshow of SimplyMEPIS 3.3-test01
A test release of the upcoming SimplyMEPIS 3.3 has been released
ProMEPIS is designed for enthusiasts, early adapters, and IT professionals. ProMEPIS is intended to be the long term foundation for enterprise and OEM variants of MEPIS Linux, like SphinxOS. It includes both KDE 3.3.1 and GNOME 2.8 core. For developers, ProMEPIS includes Kdevelop3 and the QT development tools. Also a number of servers are preinstalled including Apache, MySQL, ProFTDd, TFTP, DHCP3, rsync, BIND, and exim.
OSDir's got some shots of the first public beta of ProMEPIS 2005.
OSDir's got some shots of the first public beta of ProMEPIS 2005.
GUILinux has posted a quick review on ProMepis 2005 Beta 3