Uninstall Red Hat Linux

Hey friends this is my first post in this forum. I install red hat and window xp on my PC and I want to format my PC. when I insert Window xp installation CD it can't boot. I think red hat protect the CD from starting.

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Joined 2009-04-03
Hey friends this is my first post in this forum.I install red hat and window xp on my PC and I want to format my PC.when I insert Window xp installation CD it can't boot.I think red hat protect the CD from starting.how can I remove red hat.I appreciate your help.

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2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Am I correct in assuming that you installed Windows (or had Windows first), then installed RedHat?
Are they both still on the hard drive?
One method to make things right is to follow this Microsoft article on the subject.
The other method is to get the hard drive utility for your hard drive manufacturer's website and delete the partitions, or zero write the drive.
A third method is to use the Redhat install disk to start the install to the point of partitioning the hard drive and delete the Linux partition.
The windows install disk is unable to read Linux partitions, so it thinks that there is no usable hard drive space on the disk (can't read it). So, you need to remove the Linux partitions first, then install Windows.


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Joined 2009-04-26
If your system is new enough you can press esc during the post screen to get a bios menu that lets you select the bootable drive to load.
If that doesn't work You may have a bad disk or poorly burned disk (cdrom disk btw)


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
Since the author of the post stated that he installed RedHat initially, the CD is set to boot normally. But, he never responded, so It's hard to say. It sounded to me that the XP CD was unable to see his hard drive, which is usually symptomatic that it is unable to read the hard drive due to the drive having only a Linux partition on it.