Mozilla-plug ins

I keep installing them(flash, mplayer). . . but when i go to watch a mplayer plugin one, it just is like loading mplayer plugin then doesn't do anything. . and it is still not recognizing my flash plug in.

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175 Posts
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Joined 2004-01-25
I keep installing them(flash, mplayer)...but when i go to watch a mplayer plugin one, it just is like loading mplayer plugin then doesn't do anything..and it is still not recognizing my flash plug do if ix this? I have placed both plug ins in both my mozilla folders(mozilla and mozilla-1.4 something)...and they are in the plug in ones.

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213 Posts
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Joined 2004-01-02
Did you check to see if the plug-in you downloaded is the one made for your version of mozilla? (Backward compatability is possible, but forward compatability is not... ;(


175 Posts
Location -
Joined 2004-01-25
now whenever i go to anysite with flash/java it just crashed my mozilla=(.