modem troubles

Hey there, I'm looking for some help on installing a modem on Fedora. For some reason it won't auto detect it and when I run kudzu to try and find it my mouse goes nuts and I have to restart. Attempting to add the device using the network settings results in no modem found.

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Joined 2005-01-24
Hey there,
I'm looking for some help on installing a modem on Fedora. For some reason it won't auto detect it and when I run kudzu to try and find it my mouse goes nuts and I have to restart. Attempting to add the device using the network settings results in "no modem found".
The device is a motorola fax/modem that came with a dell dimension 4100. I also have an intel modem that came with a newer PC. I didn't see either one in the compatibility list and neither one gets auto detected.
Anyone have a fix? Or if not, an idea on where I can get a cheap, fedora compatible modem?

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Responses to this topic


68 Posts
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Joined 2005-01-24
If both the modems you have are relatively new and came with Windows computers, you probably have what I refer to as (No)WinModems. That is, modems which rely on the processor and Windows to do a lot of the work -- these are not compatible with Linux -- hence NoWin :x
Modems are not expensive anymore. You may even have a suitable one in your "junk" box of computer stuff. If not, you can get a 56K fax/modem (linux compatible) for less than US $40.
Hope this helps.


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
BSchindler is probably correct. The older Motorola cards were full hardware cards (ISA models), The newer ones softmodems. Intel has a few softmodems, as well. Any idea what the model numbers are?
And, yes, an external modem would most likely work, since most are hard modems, with the chiset to drive the modem onboard. They can be had for as little as $20.00 USD.


2 Posts
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Joined 2005-01-24
The model numbers are:
Motorola SM56 Fax modem
Intel 537 EP Fax modem
I guess I'll look through the compatibility list and do some shopping on to find something suitable.
Thanks for all the help!


1678 Posts
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Joined 2003-09-27
If I may make a suggestion, (and others who've been here a while will say I sound like a broken record;)), I'd go with an external modem. You'll get better performance and reliability, and most of them are pretty much, "plug and play."
The Actiontec 56k serial modem has always worked flawlessly for me. From just my personal experience, I'd steer clear of any external modem with a USB interface.