installing d-link dwl-g510 in fedora core 4--problems

Newbie needs some help here. Have fedora core 4 2. 6. 12-1. 1380_FC3 on a i686 processor. tried to yum the rpm, but there seems to be a mis-match between kernel config and the rpm available at ATrpms collection.

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Newbie needs some help here. Have fedora core 4 2.6.12-1.1380_FC3 on a i686 processor. tried to yum the rpm, but there seems to be a mis-match between kernel config and the rpm available at ATrpms collection. help much appreciated.

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What RPM are you looking to install? Can you give a link or name for the RPM so we can tell what you are doing?
Do you have the kernel source installed?


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I would like to install an rpm for operating the d-link dwl-g510 (atheros chip). there are several rpms at ATrpms but non would install without a missing file...and fail. I tried a few from ATrpms, like
but would not install for lack of a file. Since I have Fedora core 4 2.6.12-1.1380_FC3, and that version doesn't show up in the listings, do i need a kernel update? I also tried ndiswrapper but that is/was beyond my ability operating alone.


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sorry for the double posting. operator technique.
You asked "Do you have the kernel source installed?" As a newbie, I need help there too.


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also, when I do a yum to download stuff, I get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/yum", line 22, in ?
import yummain
ImportError: Bad magic number in /usr/share/yum/yummain.pyc
I don't understand "Bad magic number."
Thx, rlm


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Duplicare post deleted.
Are you running Fedora Core 3 or 4? Your previous post shows the kernel for Fedora Core 3. Did you by chance upgrade the kernel for the wrong version of Fedora?
What is the output of uname -a at a terminal window?
...and yoe are sure that your card is an atheros chipset? What is the revision number on the card? The following is a snipit from the madwifi wiki;
Hardware Firmware Status
B1 Unknown Works
B1 4.0 Works
B1 4.10 Works
B1 2.10 Works
C1 5.00 Not supported, try RaLink drivers
It would also help if you tell us what the error message was that you got when attempting the install. That would tell us what the problem might be.


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I installed what I thought was FC4 using the DVD from LinuxUser magazine issue 52. Lookos to be an FC3 install, tho.
Uname -a result: Linux OU812ICU 2.6.12-1.1380_FC3 #1 Wed Oct 19 20:34:13 EDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Card is D-Link Airplus-G DWL-G510, which I had looked up and found as Atheros chip. HW ver B1, FW ver 2.10.
last time I tried another rpm ( it installed without error.
Still don't think kernel source installed is done.


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To clarify on installation...I _upgraded_ to what the DVD said would be FC4...but the 'uname -a' result says it is FC3? maybe 'upgrade' result is different from re-install...


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OK. Grabbing the bull by the (clean) the FC4.
uname -a = Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.13-1.1532_FC4 #1 Thu Oct 20 01:30:08 EDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
yum'd a driver and it installed OK.
Cannot find the wireless card in the system settings-network configuration menu. help? thx. rlm


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I think that this link at the madwifi wiki will help. Take a look and let us know what other guidance that you need.
It sound like you have Fedora installed and configured correctly now.


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Thanks...looks like things are moving in the right direction. Checking the madwifi wiki link, not sure what "all you have to do is point it to ATrpms..." means. Clarify "...point it" pls?


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OK. Tried downloading the rpm and the kmdl...they loaded and apparently installed without error. When using the pull-down "Desktop->System Settings->Network" menu, and starting to activate a wireless connection, it still shows up as 'eth1' rather than 'ath-0', and the Atheros/D-Link wifi interface doesn't show up in the menu of possible cards. help?
thx. rlm


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I have a DWL-G510 wireless card in my PC, and I am running FC4. I have been searching high and low for answers. I finally got it to work, at 5 a.m. this morning. The steps are:
1. Download MadWiFi
2. Download sharutils 4.6 (I didn't have uudecode, which is required for MadWiFi installation)
3. Get into a terminal as root and went to the directory with the WiFi files.
4. Type make
5. Type make install
6. Type wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta
7. Type iwconfig ath0 essid ANY
8. Type ifconfig ath0 up
9. Type dhclient
Tada! To start it up every time you will have to get into a terminal as root and do steps 6-9. It was a long and hard process to figure all of this out. Everywhere I searched only had bits and pieces to getting it to work. The only problem is I have not yet figured out how to activate the card on startup. I tried putting steps 6-9 in /etc/rc.local but that didn't work. Can anyone help me out there? I heard something about an init.d ...?
Another note: I installed an updated kernel, and I had to reinstall the wifi drivers to get it to work again.
I hope this helps everyone who has troubles with their DWL-G510!! Any questions or comments:


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Quote:Another note: I installed an updated kernel, and I had to reinstall the wifi drivers to get it to work again.

Yes, as the drivers are bound to the running kernel in /lib/modules..., you need to do this. Each time you install an updated kernel, a new kernel driver reference is made for that kernel version.

You can also make a shell script to start the wireless settings. See my article located here. Go down about 1/2 of the page.


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Thank you, danleff and dleon. more difficulty...when i go to get madwifi i get error "The file "xxx" is a source RPM which cannot be installed with system-config-packages," where xxx is the appropriate filename. so i guess the problem i have is newbie download technique. ideas? i have successfully rpm's other files; i guess it is just 'system-config-packages'? thx. rlm


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OK. Got some success firing blind: [root@localhost dick]# yum install
sharutils kernel-devel went ok.
Got some less-than success:
tried this: [root@localhost dick]# yum install madwifi
got this: No Match for argument: madwifi
No Match for argument: madwifi-kmdl-2.6.13-1.1532_FC4
Nothing to do
Tried this: [root@localhost dick]# yum install
Got this: Added 129 new packages, deleted 145 old in 13.99 seconds
Parsing package install arguments
No Match for argument: madwifi-kmdl-2.6.13-1.1532_FC4
Nothing to do
Suggestion? thx, rlm


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Ok, let's recap. I don't use madwifi, but the methods ar the same.
It looks like the package that you installed is for an Athlon 64 system? I don't know if it is "all-in-one" or not, but let's move on.
If you already installed madwifi, you don't have to do it again. From your earlier post, you noted that it was already installed?

Quote:yum'd a driver and it installed OK. 
Once it installs, you don't need to do it again.
In order to use Yum, you must point Yum to a repository that has any special packages. What you essentially do, is add the link to the repository to the /etc/yum.conf file. But, if you already installed madwifi, you don't need to do it again.
If this is the case, stop trying to install more madwifi packages.
Once madwifi is installed, you need to load the module (driver).
In other words, you tell the Linux kernel to use it. As per the wiki, go to a console (terminal window) as root user and type;
modprobe ath_pci
If it just returns to a command prompt with no errors, then it is loaded. If you get this far, let us know.
At this point, the you would use dleon's instructions to configure the settings of the card from his step 6.
You can check the network manager to see if ath0 is there, but I bet it is not. This is a problem with Fedora.
But, most users that I see do the configuration from the command line, then add a script to run the commands.
If you are usig a router, then you need to know the settings of the essid and such to allow the NIC card access to the router. Are you using a router? If so, do you know the essid and if you are using WEP excription, the WEP password values?
I will try to find a how-to that is more clear, if you are getting confused. Or better yet, install madwifi myself.


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...getting discouraged...went to a console (terminal window) as root user and typed;
modprobe ath_pci
I cd'd to the root, and as su, it didn't return to a command prompt... it returned:
[root@localhost /]# modprobe ath_pci
bash: modprobe: command not found
(!?) now i'm trying to figure out why 'modprobe' isn't recognized...
'dleon' pointed me to a couple tar.gz files to get madwifi done, so i may venture into that arena...since the yum and rpm isn't getting me where i want to go.


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If you already unstalled a madwifi package, please don't add anymore, as it will confuse the system, unless you know what you are doing.
OK, this is Fedora. They are a little quirky about this. Find where the executable file is for modprobe by running as root user;
whereis modprobe
It will return a path something like;
Whatever it tells you, run the command with the direct path. So, if whereis returns say /usr/sbin/modprobe...then type in a root user;
/usr/sbin/modprobe ath_pci


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ok reply to 'whereis modprobe' is:
[root@localhost dick]# whereis modprobe
modprobe: /sbin/modprobe /etc/modprobe.conf~ /etc/modprobe.conf /usr/share/man/man8/modprobe.8.gz
i went to sbin/modprobe and did 'modprobe ath_pci':
[root@localhost /]# cd sbin/modprobe
bash: cd: sbin/modprobe: Not a directory
[root@localhost /]# cd ..
[root@localhost /]# cd sbin
[root@localhost sbin]# modprobe ath_pci
bash: modprobe: command not found
system would not let me in etc/modprobe/conf~ or /conf
the usr/share/man files look to be .gz help files?
am i so fouled up that i should re-install FC4 and start over?
lost in fedoraspace....arrgh. help?


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No, you don't cd into modprobe.
Use the command /sbin/modprobe ath_pci as root user in a console.
Make sure that you are root. Type in;
su (hit the enter key)
When prompted, enter your root password, then the modprobe command, as above.