WG111T on Fedora, cant make it work!

I already did the NDISWRAPPER thing. when i do NDISWRAPPER -L this comes out: athfmwdl driver installed, hardware present netgw11t driver installed when i do IWLIST SCANNING i get INTERFACE DOESNT SUPPORT SCANNING when i do IWCONFIG i get NO WIRELESS EXTENSIONS whats wrong? what am i supposed to do now? please help ...

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I already did the NDISWRAPPER thing. when i do NDISWRAPPER -L this comes out:
athfmwdl driver installed, hardware present
netgw11t driver installed
when i do IWCONFIG
whats wrong? what am i supposed to do now? please help! been trying for days!!!
Thanks in advance,

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now NDISWRAPPER -L does not worrrk!!! it freezes the terminal. if i go ndiswrapper it does work but when i add the -L it freezes the terminal.
also, if i go APPLICATIONS > NETWORK, nothing comes out!!! why did this happened?
I have already restarted numerous times.


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We need a little more information.
What version of Fedora and ndiswrapper are you using?
Did you install the kernel source package before compiling ndiswrapper (the kernel-devel package)?
Did you consult the ndiswrapper wiki for Fedora installations, located here?

Quote: already did the NDISWRAPPER thing. when i do NDISWRAPPER -L this comes out:  
athfmwdl driver installed, hardware present
netgw11t driver installed
OK, so you installed both driver sets. did you install the ones recommended by the the wiki page, item #17 under Netgear? NOT the ones that came with your driver CD for the device.

when i do IWCONFIG
What interface? Is there a wlan0 one that is listed?
The freezing issue is probably related to the 4k kernel stack size/freezing issue, which is probably an issue, due to the Windows drivers requiring that a limit to 4 stacks needing to be disabled. The Fedora specific page describes how to correct this problem.
I assume that you did either /sbin/modprobe ndiswrapper to get the interface up, or have tried to auto-load the drivers on startup by previously doing the ndiswrapper -m command, once you installed the drivers?


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If I need to, I could start all over again. If I need to uninstall something, please let me know and please tell me how. Im new to Linux.
I am using Fedora 3. When I do uname -a this is part of what i get:
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
About the ndiswrapper version, when I do ndiswrapper -v this is what comes out:

Quote:utils version: 1.8
driver version: 1.19
vermagic: 2.6.9-1.667 gcc-3.4

I do not know what you mean by the kernel source package before compiling ndiswrapper (the kernel-devel package). I guess I didn't installed it. I did consult the ndiswrapper wiki. And i tried doing what it says in the beggining but i dont find the folder it tells me the kernel is at. according to the wiki, the kernel source is at usr/src/kernels/<kernel-version>. on my system i go usr/src/ then, instead of kernels i find only a folder named redhat. so i imagine thats the one, and i go inside the folder redhat and find this inside it:
BUILD RPMS SOURCES SPECS SRPMS. so i figured this is the place. Then i did the yum install kernel-devel and i get:

Quote:You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download the keys for packages you wish to install and install them. You can do that by running the command:rpm --import public.gpg.key
For more information contact your distribution or package provider.
i did installed the drivers on the CD because on the wiki it seems they are the netgear windows drivers, if i need to download those on the wiki anyways, please let me know.
on the iwlist it doesn list wlan0. it lists lo, eth0 and sit0 but no wlan0.
for the freezing i had to restart the computer without the netgear usb, which sometimes still causes freezing after i plug it in.
i hadnt done the /sbin/modprobe ndiswrapper. i just did it, but nothing comes it. it just takes me to the next line on the terminal. and the iwlist command still gives me "interface doesnt support scanning".
Please help. What should I do next?
Thanks in advance.


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Quote:I am using Fedora 3. When I do uname -a this is part of what i get:
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

This information shows a Fedora version for an Athlon 64 system. Is this what your motherboard is? If so, then I suggest using Fedora Core 5, if you can, as support for the athlon 64 system is much better and it is easier to set things up.

If not, then it looks like you may have downloaded or installed the wrong version of Fedora for your system.

You may have already figured this out, but what information that you specifically need with the uname -a command is the kernel version for your system. For example, in my Fedora Core 5 system;


This will determine what the exact kernel is and what kernel version from the Linuxant site to download. However, the kernels offered are not the athlon 64 version, but for non-athlon 64 systems. I have no idea if they will work, if you system is an athlon 64 system.

Fedora Core 3 uses a different package for installing the kernel source than Fedora Core 5, which is why I asked which version of Fedora that you are using. Let's see if you have an Athlon 64 system before we go on with this.

Quote:did installed the drivers on the CD because on the wiki it seems they are the netgear windows drivers, if i need to download those on the wiki anyways, please let me know.

The wiki notes what versions of the drivers are known to work. Often the ones on the driver CD do not work, as they are older versions. But, sometimes that do! It is best, however, to use the ones that are recommended and have been tested with ndiswrapper. In any case, the XP drivers usually are the ones that work.

Quote:on the iwlist it doesn list wlan0. it lists lo, eth0 and sit0 but no wlan0.

Than the drivers are not loading correctly. You need to do the iwconfig command after running the /sbin/modprobe ndiswrapper command. Does it come up now?

Quote:for the freezing i had to restart the computer without the netgear usb, which sometimes still causes freezing after i plug it in.

This is most likely do to the kernel 4 stack limit issue. Did you happen to do the ndiswrapper -m command to load the drivers at start-up? If so, and you have the stack issue, then ths often is what causess the freezing problem, as ndiswrapper is attempting to load at start-up.


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Yes, I do have an Athlon 64 system and the motherboard is compatible with the Athlon processor. If you think installing Fedora 5 will be much easier I will uninstall Fedora 3 and install Fedora 5.
When I was building my system, the newest Fedora version was 4. But it always froze in Disk 2 or 3 i think. It would never go past that. So i downloaded the disks again and tried again like twice, and got the same errors. So that is why I installed Fedora 3 instead, which got installed right away with no problems.
So I see you think its better to install Fedora 5. So I just enter the Fedora 5 disks and partition the drive again and that will get rid of the Fedora 3 installation?
Then I will start all over again. And I guess this will be the steps...
1. download the drivers on the ndiswrapper wiki
2. download and install ndiswrapper
3. install downloaded drivers using ndiswrapper
4. set up network.
I greatly appreciate your help. Thank you very much for your interest.


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The errors that you got on the disks were most likely due to bad burns to the disks. When you burn iso disks, they must be burned at a slow speed, not the fastest speed rated by your burner. Burn them at no more than 8X speed. Also make sure that you burn then as images, not data disks. make sure that you verify the disks before installing, or at the beginning of the installation, when Fedora offers to verify the disks for you. It takes time, but prevents problems and tells you if you have good burns. See my article on the subject here.