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Firebird 2.0 Alpha 2 has been released

The Firebird Project is pleased to announce the release today of the second round of Firebird 2.0 public Alpha kits for immediate download and testing.

This version of Firebird 2 is an alpha version, meant for field testing only and not for use in production.

All changes and new features are subject to further change and/or withdrawal in subsequent alpha and beta releases, leading up to final release. Do not assume that databases created by or upgraded to the on-disk structure of this alpha will be upwardly compatible with subsequent test builds/releases.

Bugs, problems, etc. can be posted to the Field Test bug tracker or to the Firebird Development List.

Firebird 2 release contains a large number of new features. Alpha 2 includes fixes for several problems that showed up in the testing of Alpha 1. Please read the Release Notes for more details.

Downloads of builds for Linux-i686 and Win32 are currently available here:

Feedback, input and comments re this release will be appreciated.