Help on Network and Modem configuration on Red Hat 7.2
3 things i would like to know, i wish to install a few things in Red Hat 7. 2, 1: How do i install a modem and set up a connection to my ISP? 2: How do i set up a network, mainly for file and printer sharing? Unfortunately i don't know anything about my network card, only that it does run at 100Mbps, because i pick ...
3 things i would like to know, i wish to install a few things in Red Hat 7.2, 1: How do i install a modem and set up a connection to my ISP? 2: How do i set up a network, mainly for file and printer sharing? Unfortunately i don't know anything about my network card, only that it does run at 100Mbps, because i picked it up for free from school 3: Also, how to share the internet connection on the network, so i can use linux as a gateway for other windows XP computers on the network?
Thx for any help possible.
Thx for any help possible.
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