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Unixmen posted a screenshot tour of Ubuntu 11.10 Beta 1

Few days ago, Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot Beta 1 has been released, this beta release of Ubuntu 11.10 gives a preview of the next version of Ubuntu. According to the announcement, Some of the new features now available are:

- DVD images have been revised into extended desktop images with additional language support and a few extra applications, and thereby
reduced to a more manageable size of around 1.5 GB.

"- Lenses" (formerly "Places") now integrate multiple sources and advanced filtering like ratings, range, categories.

- Thunderbird is included as default email client including menu and launcher integration.

- Déjà Dup is included as the default backup tool, making it easy to create backups and upload them to Ubuntu One.

- The new gwibber landed in Oneiric bringing improved performance and a new interface using the most recent GNOME technologies.

- GNOME got updated to current unstable version (3.1.5) on its way to GNOME 3.2

- LightDM now uses the new Unity greeter by default.

The indicators have been visually refreshed, including a refactoring of
the session indicator and a new power indicator.
  Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot Beta1 Screenshots Tour